domingo, 5 de julio de 2009

Faltan 18 rolas para mi cumpleaños…


So you don't want to hear about my good song?
And you don't want to hear about how I am getting on
With all the things that I can get done
The sun is in the sky & I am by my lonesome
So you don't want to hear about my good day?
You have better things to do than to hear me say

God its been a lovely day! everything's been going my way
I took out the trash today and I'm on fire...

So you don't want to hear about my good friends?
You don't have the guts to take the truth or consequence
Success is in the eye of the beholder
And its looking even better over your cold shoulder

I'm not suggesting you get to line me up for questioning
But Jesus think about the bridges you are burning
And I'm betting
That even though you knew it from the start
You'd rather be a bitch than be an ordinary broken heart

So go ahead and talk about your bad day...
I want all the details of the pain and misery
That you are inflicting on the others
I consider them my sisters and I want their numbers

God its been a lovely day! everything's been going my way
I took up croquet today and iIm on fire

I picked up the pieces of my broken ego
I have finally made my peace as far as you and me go
But I'd love to have you up to see the place
& I'd like to do more than survive I'd like to rub it in your face.....

Hey! its been a lovely day! everything's been going my way
I had so much fun today and I'm on fire
God it's been a lovely day everything's been going my way
Ever since you went away hey I'm on fire.....
I'm on fire...
I'm on fire...
So you don't want to hear about my good day?

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

hola señor:

hace un tiempo que vengo leyendo su blog,no me acuerdo la fecha pero mas o menos hace 2 o 3 meses creo,tampoco me acuerdo el como llegue al blog,seguro que fue buscando informacion de interpol jajaj ,pero lo que sè seguro es que me cautivo la forma en la que relatavas tu experiencias-sentimientos-vivencias con la musica .

amo la musica,pero no quiero hablar mas,simplemente decir ¨presente¨ porque parece que tenemos muchas cosas en comun,y me gustaria hablar directamente con este personaje o mejor dicho persona que me intereso y me hizo el CLIC en la cabeza para decidirme en hacerme un blog,cosa que conosco hace muuuuucho tiempo pero que nunca me atrevì a hacer.

estoy escuchando hands away y ahora se paso a leif erikson,me encanta el sentimiento de melancolia que corre por mi sangre en este momento.

te escribiria mas pero voy a esperar a tu respuesta ,que espero que sea pura,y que no te reserves ninguna palabra por si acaso decidis insultarme .

P.D:perdoname si hay faltas de ortografia.

Unknown dijo...

hola señor:

ya me lo hize,espero que me reciba bien en este ambito nuevo-no tan nuevo.

a y por cierto,perdoname por los de cronicas de.....,pero yo tambien le queria poner asi ,igual voy a cambiarlo dentro de un tiempo por respeto hacia vos.

nos vemos camarada de blog.